Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day

Today is Armistice Day, or Veteran's Day, as it is more popularly known.  It's also the 16th anniversary of my enlistment in the United States Army, and for that matter, the date of my discharge a year later for medical reasons.  After fifteen years of nearly constant war, there are a lot of soldiers who have done more than me in service to their country, and given more, but nevertheless I'm proud of my service.  There aren't too many Americans who have chosen to serve, and even one who has served in such minimal capacity as I have has done something to take pride in.  Third spear carrier from the left may not seem of great importance to a stage production of Romeo & Juliet, but you would feel the lack if they weren't there.  So to all who served, who stood up and put their right hands in the air and swore to the protect this nation and the Constitution with their body and blood if necessary, whether they did it out of patriotism, or boredom, or desire for college money, you deserve a day of salute.   And from this broke dick 11 Bravo to you, thank you and Hoo-ah!

As a note of days:  Yesterday, one day too early to properly recorded in this journal, someone stole a bunch of my swords from my stupidly left open car trunk.  Fortunately, they either thought better of themselves, or assuming they were local teens, as seemed likely, couldn't get them past their parents, and dumped them in someone's yard a few houses down.  So I got them all back.  I'm not out anything more than the stress involved in dealing with it.

And between my earlier post and this one, it appears I've written for thirty minutes.  So yay!

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